Universal’s Community Giving
Our corporate wide adherence to family values includes a great commitment to giving back that peaks during the holiday season. “We always try to best the previous year’s results and this year was no different as our employees at every level and every location stepped up like never before,” said Company President, Michael Glionna.
Most significant this year is the big jump in funds raised for Hockey Helps the Homeless (HHTH), a Canadian charity that organizes and runs fantasy hockey tournaments across the country, and raises money to help fund the work of over 40 homeless support agencies. The funds raised by Universal benefit 360Kids (www.360kids.ca) and Blue Door Shelters (www.bluedoor.ca), two local organizations committed to ending homelessness.

In October and November, six employee teams at Universal rallied together to raise an incredible $37,566.08, surpassing last year’s total by over $10,000! Together with the company’s funds matching program and participation as game day sponsor for HHTH’s York Region tournament, a total contribution exceeding $75,000 was made by the Universal group.
Even more giving took place in December as our employees enthusiastically donated to two other charities we support annually: the Vaughan Food Bank and the Toy Mountain gift drive. “It is a great feeling knowing that the multitude of food and gifts contributed by our employees will bring joy this holiday season to those who are less fortunate,” said Mark Glionna, Vice President – Client Relations & Business Development.
Plan early to ship goods before Chinese New Year
The weeks leading up to Chinese New Year (CNY) put incredible pressure on exporters in China and China’s transportation infrastructure. CNY is generally a 7 day festival, however, most people in China celebrate for up to two weeks or more. Factories shut down over the holiday and, after they reopen, it can take a few weeks to get back to full production capacity. Proper planning and coordination are important if you want to ensure your supply chain remains fluid.
Chinese New Year 2023 falls on the following dates:
- China: January 21, 2023 – January 27, 2023
- Hong Kong: January 22, 2023 – January 25, 2023
- Taiwan: January 20, 2023 – January 27, 2023

If you have shipments that need to depart prior to Chinese New Year, we recommend that you place bookings with our Freight Solutions Team in mid-December, ensuring enough lead time to find the best option for space and rates.
For more information, contact Debbie McGuire, Director – Freight Solutions.
Is CARM Registration on your list for 2023?
In previous issues of Route we identified the 4 key aspects of registering for CARM (CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management) and, with the anticipated effective date of Release 2 approaching (scheduled for October 2023) importers who have not yet registered must act quickly.
As customs brokers we are used to managing change, especially new CBSA initiated programs. In most cases, we manage these changes behind the scenes. Our clients rightfully expect that we will take care of everything on their behalf – and we do. CARM, however, is one of the first Customs initiatives that absolutely requires importer engagement.

IMPORTANT: All importers to Canada (whether resident or non-resident) must take certain steps – if not, they simply won’t be able to import into Canada once CARM Release 2 comes into effect (scheduled for October 2023).
Universal Logistics will help our clients along the road to CARM to ensure a smooth transition.
Here’s what you need to know to get ready…
- Identify your company’s Business Account Manager(s) – BAM
- Register your business in the CARM Client Portal
- Delegate authority to your customs broker
- Secure a Release of Goods Bond – Release 2 (scheduled for October 2023)
The CBSA’s Assessment and Revenue Management team is hosting free CARM webinars – tailored specifically for Importers – and focusing on 2 topics, CARM Client Portal Onboarding and What You Need to Know with CARM Release 2.
Registration is required for these webinars. Please register using the links below:
FREE Webinars – CARM Client Portal Onboarding
The CBSA’s Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) team is continuing monthly webinars that focus on the steps for onboarding to the CARM Client Portal.
Webinar Registration – CARM Client Portal Onboarding
Date | Time | Registration Link | |
English | Tuesday, January 17, 2023 | 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST | Register |
English | Tuesday, February 14, 2023 | 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST | Register |
English | Tuesday, March 21, 2023 | 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST | Register |
Webinar Registration – What You Need to Know with CARM Release 2 Webinar
Date | Time | Registration Link | |
English | Tuesday, January 31, 2023 | 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST | Register |
English | Tuesday, February 28, 2023 | 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST | Register |
English | Wednesday, March 29, 2023 | 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST | Register |
Canadian Single-Use Plastics Prohibition
As of December 20, 2022, the manufacture and import for sale in Canada of certain single-use plastic checkout bags, cutlery, foodservice ware, stir sticks and straws (i.e. straight straws) will be prohibited under the Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulations (SUPPR). The regulations are part of the Government of Canada’s comprehensive plan to address pollution, meet its target of zero plastic waste by 2030, and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The Regulations prohibit the manufacture, import and sale of single-use plastic checkout bags, cutlery, foodservice ware made from or containing problematic plastics, ring carriers, stir sticks, and straws. An exception in the Regulations allows single-use plastic flexible straws to remain available, under certain conditions, so people who need them still have access.

In the event prohibited single use plastic items are imported to Canada, shipments will not be refused entry by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) but rather Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) will be enforcing the new regulation via post-importation verification activities.
For more information, please consult the ECCC’s Guidance documents and fact sheets or contact Brian Rowe, Director – Customs Compliance & Regulatory Affairs.
U.S. Extends China Tariff Exclusions
The U.S. Trade Representative’s (USTR) office has announced a nine‑month extension of 352 product exclusions in the China Section 301 Investigation that were scheduled to expire December 31, 2022. These Exclusions cover a wide variety of goods, from crab meat to garden furniture.
The extended exclusions are the same as those reinstated on March 28, 2022, as set out in the Federal Register notice, which can be viewed here.
For more information, contact Brian Rowe, Director – Customs Compliance & Regulatory Affairs.

Global Spotlight Quiz

Name the city known for its historic castle
- J.K. Rowling wrote most of the Harry Potter books in this city, taking inspiration from the landscape for her characters and locations.
- St. Margaret’s Chapel, located within the walls of the city’s castle, is the oldest building in our mystery city.
- The city’s Fringe Festival is the largest arts festival in the world. In fact, this city is the world’s number one festival destination.
- Alexander Graham Bell, known for inventing and patenting the first telephone, was born in this city.
- The city’s landscape was formed by a glacier.
- First city in the world to have its own fire service.

Answer: Edinburgh, Scotland
For more information about shipping freight to or from this city, contact Debbie McGuire, Director – Freight Solutions.
Quick Tip
Design your packaging to suit your chosen mode of transport
When selecting packaging for your product, always consider the intended mode of transport and design your packaging to fully optimize your load capacity.
Can the packaging be confirmed to contain more weight, stack cartons higher, or hold more units?
Always consider the dimensions of the shipping equipment (i.e. pallets, ocean container, truck trailer or aircraft) being used and know the limitations you must work within.
More efficient use of packaging will help to reduce your freight costs.

At Your Service
Philip Lee
Canadian Customs Operations (Head Office)
Philip Lee joined Universal’s Customs Operations Team in October of 2021, as a member of our Ocean & Air Clearances Team where he handles Full Container Load (FCL) and Less Than Container Load (LCL) clearances and deliveries.
Philip’s previous experience working with a steamship line has allowed him to offer guidance and support to our clients, as we navigate through the severe congestion issues that continue to hamper the movement of intermodal containers in the Toronto area.
Philip can be reached by phone (905) 882-4880, ext. 1219 or by email.

Philip Lee
Canadian Customs Operations
(Head Office)
SMART Logistics
Controlling how freight moves through your supply chain could save you thousands – or more.
Working with us means someone always asks: how can we make this shipment better?
Single-sourced trucking, customs clearance and distribution to expedite your freight shipments between the U.S. and Canada.
Route is produced monthly for the clients of Universal Logistics. Reader comment and story ideas are welcome. Comments of general interest to all Route readers will, with the permission of the writer, be published. Copyright © 2024 Universal Logistics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction for any commercial use is strictly prohibited.
Route is produced by Universal Logistics. Editor: Bettina Scharnberg. Email: bscharnberg@universallogistics.ca While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained herein, Universal Logistics accepts no responsibility or liability for errors or omissions. Written correspondence should be forwarded to: