China Customs has just announced the implementation of Order No. 56 [2017] to modify their Advance Manifest rules of import and export in the country. In order to comply with the new China Customs Advance Manifest (CCAM) requirements, all importers and exporters will be required to provide additional information when booking marine cargo or completing ‘Shipper’s Letter of Instruction’ for air cargo.
The adjusted rules will be in effect from June 1, 2018. Advance Manifest must be submitted 24 hours prior to container loading at port of loading. Based on this order, the following additional information will be required on all shipping instructions:
For Imports from China to Canada or the U.S.:
Shipper’s Details:
- Shipper Name
- Detailed Shipper’s Address
- Shipper’s USCI (China Uniformed Social Credit Index)
- Shipper’s contact info, including Telephone No. or Email Account
Consignee’s Details:
- Consignee Name
- Detailed Consignee Address
- Consignee’s EIN/Business Number
- Consignee’s contact info, including Telephone No. or Email Account
For Exports to China from Canada or the U.S.:
Shipper’s Details:
- Shipper Name
- Detailed Shipper’s Address
- Shipper’s EIN/Business Number
- Shipper’s contact info, including Telephone No. or Email Account
Consignee’s Details:
- Consignee Name
- Detailed Consignee Address
- Consignee’s USCI (China Uniformed Social Credit Index)
- Consignee’s contact info, including Telephone No. or Email Account
Note: For “To Order” bills of lading, the consignee section should be filled as “To Order” and the details of the Notify Party should be filled out as per the above requirements for the consignee.
General descriptions for commodities will not be accepted. Specific commodity names should be shown on your Shipping Instructions. For example, “Wooden Products” will be rejected but “Wooden Photo Frames” will be accepted.
It is highly recommended that importers should obtain the required data from their suppliers when placing their initial purchase orders. Exporters should obtain the information from their buyers when (or before) orders are confirmed.
Please note that when you are placing your bookings with Universal Logistics, you will be required to provide this additional information in order for your shipments to continue without delay.
For more information, please call Debbie McGuire, Manager – Freight Solutions at (905) 882-4880, ext. 308.